How to Choose an Effective and Suitable IPL Hair Removal Device?

There are two kinds of hair removal devices we can find in this marketplace, one of which is about photon hair removal while the other is using laser. Ideally, people tend to purchase a photon hair removal device if their budgets are adequate enough because the photon one is way more effective. A dark horse, Beauty-snug stands out in the marketplace with the advantages of convenience, portability, chic design with competitive price.

Generally speaking, those old-fashioned hair removing methods sometimes won’t restrain the growth of the hairs, and the hairs, no matter whether they are shaved, waxed or plucked, will continue to grow even though you’ve tried your best to get them vanished. Your skin might look fairly smooth after that, but it is just temporary. Further, skin issues might come along in the ensuing course if ones try repeatedly the traditional ways to remove hairs and at the same time money outflows.

New generation Beauty-snug at-home IPL hair removal device is able to attenuate the growth of the hairs, making them thinner in thickness and lighter in color. And after several rounds of treatment, the hairs won’t grow anymore while it is also good for the skin care without damaging it.


What Should I Consider When It Comes To The Selection Of Brands?

The Intense Pulsed Light is one of the most important factors in regard to the hair removing, and the energy density of the laser hair removal device is the highest one among all the at-home brands.

Product: IPL Hair Removal Device

Brand: Beauty-snug


1. 430nm-1200nm Wavelength

The wavelength of the Beauty-snug IPL hair removal device is 430nm-1200nm, the accepted optimized wavelength in hair removal area. The light is intense enough to reach to the hair follicles and directly affect the hair papillae in the hair follicle in order to effectively inhibit the growth of hair. However, on the contrary, there are various brands of hair removal device out there in the market which is not suitable for removing hairs. Besides, the light will be completely absorbed by skin if the wavelength turns out to be too short, and thus series of skin problems come.


 2.  5 Joule of Energy Density

The higher the energy level, the more effective the hair removing will be while the keenly feel is intenser. Since only when the energy level reaches 3J/cm²will it obtain the obvious effect, while the downside is that the higher energy density will cause an intenser discomfort. In such a case, we cooperate with the designers to develop a hair removal device which possesses an energy level at 4.5J. It not only performs perfectly on hair removing, but also prevents you from the annoying discomfort.


3. 999,999 Flashes

Never believe some rumors that a device owns an unlimited flash in its serving duration, that is unrealistic and a TOTAL FRAUD! In fact, every IPL hair removal device, no matter what brand it is, only possesses limited flashing times, and it is all about the quantity. At the same time, the price of the device depends on its flashing time and the raw materials.

Beauty-snug IPL Hair Removal Device offers 999,999 flashes in total. According to incomplete statistics, about 100,000 flashes are already enough for one person to use. If you finish your treatment and there are still flashing times left, you can share the device to your family members as a cycle usage.


Q&A About Beauty-snug At-home Hair Removal Device:

Q: Does the device provide with permanent effect?
A: The permanency as for the IPL hair removal device should be defined by the fact that there is no more newborn hair grows during the growth cycle. While the human hormone is always changeable in human body, the growth of hairs is highly related to androgen. According to some authorized studies, generally, the effect of the hair removal can last around 3-5 years. Yet though the hairs grow, it will be much lesser than ever, and at the same time, thinner and lighter.


Q: Any recommended authentic product?
A: is an officially authorized platform which provides quality IPL hair removal device. Customers are allowed to click open the website.


Q: Should I wear goggles during the treatment?
A: To clarify, our IPL hair removal device does not contain any harmful ultraviolet rays at all, yet we still recommend you not to point the light directly on your own eyes. When you are going to operate the treatment in a bright environment, the brightness of the emitting light is acceptable, but we still suggest that you should not fix your eyes directly on the flashing lights. So in order to provide you with the further protection avoiding the strong sunlight, we offer goggles in the package and recommend you to wear during the treatment.


Q: Is it workable for all skin color and hair color?
A: Technically speaking, this device is suitable for almost every type of skin color and hair color except dark skins or dark coffee ones. Quite friendly to many other types of skin while also suitable for sensitive skins, but please understand that it is not a good one for the gold or red hairs.


Q: What is the optimized using period for each part?
A: Users should adjust the period according to their own conditions. While the ones who get sparse hairs can spend less time on it, the ones who get rich and thick hairs will be suggested to use it according to the picture below.


Q: Is it friendly to pregnant women? Can I use it during suckling period?
A: We do not recommend pregnant women to use the device due to the fact that the unsteady hormone inside will make the treatment less effective.


Q: Can I use it to treat the bikini line of mine?
A: Sure, we’ve got a surge number of customers who purchased our Beauty-snug Hair Removal Device for removing the hairs around bikini line. Recommended level will be I and II.


Q: Is it a must that I have to shave the hair before the treatment? What if I don’t?
A: Shaving hairs first before the treatment is always what we suggest our customers to do, or otherwise the emitted light will be all absorbed by the hairs themselves instead of being introduced into the hair follicles, and plus you might smell a charred odor.


Q: Am I allowed to put on makeup and apply body lotion if I wish to go out after the treatment?
A: Sure you can, and there is not that much restriction as well as bad influences after the hair removing treatment. The only requirement from us should be the ANTI-SUNBURN, and yet you don’t have to care that much in winter but avoid hot shower.


Q: How is Beauty-snug Hair Removal Device being charged?
A: Beauty-snug IPL Hair Removal Device is designed with 12V source. So users are only required to plug it in when they are going to use the device and no charge is requested.


Q: How long it will take for me to see its effects?
A: According to the feedback from our customers, the majority of them started to notice their hairs lessening, thinner and growing much slower during six to eight weeks. After eight to twelve weeks, the significant difference can be caught in bare eyes. We highly recommend our customers to follow the steps of instructions in the User Manual we offer in the package so as to obtain the most valuable and effective treatment.


Q: What if I use the device more often than the suggested period?
A: Using the device more frequently than the suggested period will never bring a greater effect and will never accelerate the hair removing process. Please do not treat the same area repeatedly during one single treatment cause such an act will never promote the effectiveness of the treatment but might irritate the targeted skin instead.