My Experience With The Beauty-snug At-Home IPL Hair Removal Device

It was all Greek to me every time when it comes to the hair removal, and unfortunately, I am born hairy. 😔😔  It’s kinda an awkward situation for every single girl, isn’t it? So with that struggle on getting rid of the annoying hairs, I have tried almost every possibility to get them vanished like waxing and plucking. I don’t mean to complain but... such a way of hair removing is putting me in the hell, and the hair grows again repeatedly not too long! 😭😭 Every tactic turned out to be in vain until I met the Beauty-snug IPL Hair Removal Device.

In fact, I was always skeptical over the function of this device because of my awkward “idiosyncrasia” of being a ‘hairy’ girl even though my friend cheerfully recommended it to me and claimed that it is surprisingly effective, I still doubted that a complete hair removal was just a dream for me. 😘😘Yet, through the entire treatment I have to say, without any exaggeration, that this Beauty-snug IPL Hair Removal Device is A REAL SICK ONE which totally blew my mind! If you aren’t even familiar with the IPL (Intense Pulse Light) and its working principle, no worries and here comes the exhaustive explanation as well as my experience on using this Beauty-snug Hair Removal Device as followed.


The Working Principle of IPL Tech?

To make it simple and understandable, IPL emits wavelengths into the skin, which are then absorbed by the melanin (namely your hair). It then converts into heat so as to kill the ‘growing cells’ which produce the hairs. And this act will render the hair follicles reduce to be in quiescence, which means a gradual decline in hair growth.

❕ ❕ ❕ NOTE:

Any type of laser hair removal is not effective on extremely light hair (Such as blonde, gray, red or reddish brown and white) because there needs to be a stark contrast between the pigment of the hair color and the skin tone, or otherwise the light or the laser will definitely fail to target.

My Experience On Beauty-snug Hair Removal Device
It Is Real Snug For Beauty! 💗💗

I’ve done waxing at the very beginning for my first attempt when I started exploring the hair removal, and I have to say, it was a really AWFUL experience for me! Getting through this suffering of great pain every month for me, a ‘hairy’ girl, was bearing no difference with suffering in the hell.

So this Beauty-snug Hair Removal Device is indeed a life savior in my life, making made me fall in love with treating myself with such a snug experience while it has brought me with the easier at-home beauty care resolution, well yeah, just like its name claims, it brings us the best experience of hair removing but with snug feeling at the same time. Having not met it previously should be my biggest regret anyway!

😍😍 About the usage, It is quite simple when it comes to use the device, the most surprising part of its function is that this IPL hair removal device possesses an automatic mode, which means that it only requires you to turn the instrument on and get it close to your skin, and then the instrument will handle everything for you!

🥰 🥰Acceptable price! From the advertisement that all sorts of beauty salon are hyping out there, I have learned that customers should at least visit the beauty salon for eight times for course of treatment while the interval between is around four to six weeks. Price varies according to the clinics and the treated body parts, but roughly at fifty to two hundred dollars each treatment. Well, personally speaking, that is way too expensive comparing to this Beauty-snug Hair Removal Device which is portable and convenient.

How long does it take to see the result?(8 WEEK)

Well, based on my experience and the instructions the User Manual demonstrates, the former four treatments should be operated per two weeks, and after that you can literally see the apparent result as the hairs grow less and less while the general growth speed is much slower. So in order to keep that tendency, you need to have a touch-up treatment per four weeks in the ensuing course. After approximately eight touch-up sessions, you will only need to use the device once every six months to maintain hairlessness.

Thank you 💞💞 Beauty-snug IPL Hair Removal Device, for saving me from the awkwardness of being a ‘hairy’ girl and winning back my confidence. GOODBYE FOREVER, my annoying hairs!